54th Annual Meeting
May 31 - June 2, 2024
Westin Chattanooga
801 Pine Street, Chattanooga
The Annual Meeting is a weekend long educational weekend that includes hotel room for two nights and meals for the immediate family of someone with a bleeding disorder for a small registration fee. See below for some of the sessions we will be providing. Check back often as more are added.
Registration is limited so RSVP now!
Hotel information: One room will be provided for each family. Per hotel rules, single registration can only be made for individuals who are 18 years of age or older and who have a credit card. Each family will be asked to provide a credit card during hotel chick-in for any incidentals and /or damages. THBDF is not responsible for accidental or intentional damage to hotel property. The Foundation will make every effort to make special accommodations that are requested in the registration form (i.e. handicap accessible room, refrigerators, crib, etc.)
We are in need of volunteers for childcare program. Hotel room and food are provided. If interested in volunteering please click the link below and fill out the form. You would be needed during the following times.
Friday May 31st from 4pm - 8pm for registration and
Friday May 31st from 8pm - 9:15pm for childcare all ages
Saturday June 1st from 8am - 5:30pm for all ages
5 - 12 years old are going to the Chattanooga Aquarium
13 - 17 years old are going to Highpoint Climbing
Friday Night Sessions
Friday night is a time where we can come together and have time to talk and get to know each other.
From 6pm - 8m you will have the opportunity to meet with the exhibitors in the main room and enjoy time talking with new and old friends with eating some food.
New Family Meeting
From 7pm - 7:30pm you will have the opportunity to speak with board members and learn more about what THBDF is about.
From 7:30pm - 8:00pm you will have the opportunity to speak with board members and learn more about where THBDF is headed.
Rap Session
From 8pm - 9pm you will be able to split up and go to a rap sessions. Below are the Rap Sessions we have.
Blood Brotherhood and Dad's in Action are coming together for this men 18 and up with a bleeding disorder or dad of someone with a bleeding disorder. Robby Bond and Chris Cassada will head up this session.
Women's Initiative is for women 18 and up (with or without a bleeding disorder). LeAnn Wilson will head up this session that includes a fun craft.
​Teen & Young Adults (13 - 25) with a bleeding disorder or a sibling of someone with a bleeding disorder.
Childcare Program 0 - 4 year olds and 5 - 12 year old rooms for your children to enjoy games while you attend your session.
& Teen Program
Childcare & Teen Programs for 0 - 4 year olds (headed up by Tehya Kelley), 5 - 12 year olds (headed up by Kim Moss) and 13 - 17 year olds (headed up by Brittany Chaney) are provided. This program has volunteers to play and take care of your child while you attend your session on Friday night and Saturday. On Saturday the The two older groups will go off site to do a fun activity. More details to come on the activities.
Saturday the older children go out for a special day of activities.
5 - 12 year olds will be going to the Chattanooga Aquarium
13 - 17 year olds will be going to the Highpoint Climbing and Mellow Mushroom
Young Adults will be having a breakout session and then go to an escape room for some fun.
Saturday Programs
Our educational programs will begin Saturday after breakfast in the main hall. Here are some of the sessions we will be having.
Keynote Speaker Brad Edwards
THBDF run sessions that will include:
How You Can Support THBDF​
State Hemophilia Program
Sponsored sessions will include:
Shared Decision Making​
Financing for a Chronic Illness
Women who bleed
New Emerging Therapies
Hemophilia and Academic Success: Tools for Success in College
Your Time to Thrive: Build and Optimistic Mindset
Being Prepared For A Hemophilia Emergency
Our Sponsors
We would like to thank our sponsors for our 2024 Annual Meeting. Without them we would not have these amazing educational programs for our community!
Booth & Speaker
Booth & Speaker
Booth & Speaker